Geneva, IL dental girls know how to have fun…SWEET SUMMERTIME.  We couldn’t be more excited that summer has finally arrived and with it, summer activities! We’re looking forward to backyard barbecues, family trips, and lots of fun in the sun. Our team has got a lot planned for this summer!

Our Team’s Favorite Summer Activities And Traditions

We asked Brittany, our Scheduling Coordinator, what are your summer traditions? I grew up in California where my family and I were surrounding by mountains, lakes, and urban city life.  Growing up our summers were spent either on our boat going wake boarding or having lunch in downtown San Francisco by the ocean.  Summertime in California was pure bliss.  13537578_10206757069825255_7833824040728712034_n

What do you have planned for this summer? This summer has already been a busy one, with camping trips to Warren Dunes State park in Michigan, going down south to Lake Centralia in Illinois and  then up to Minnesota to see one of my beautiful nieces and family.  My husband and I also will be celebrating 4 years of marriage this summer as well.

What activities, sports, etc. do you most enjoy during the summertime? My favorite thing to do would be to layout and catch some sun as well as anything with water. Swimming, Boating, Water fights etc..
Brynn, one of our hygienists, said her family’s summer traditions are going to White Sox games and this summer we took our toddler to his very first game and he loved it!! We are taking a family trip to Minnesota to fish, camp and enjoy time on the lake with cousins and grandparents.


We also love going to and having many cookouts with friends and family. We also do lots of swimming at my mom’s pool and spend some time at the water parks!

Aggie, our dental assistant, said one of our summer traditions is spending 4th of July weekend on a lake with my brother’s family and our friends. We would rent a house right on a beach and enjoy a few days playing on a beach, fishing and making s’mores.


This summer we already have had one trip in June, we went to Orlando, FL. Even though it wasn’t much of a vacation (it was for our daughters volleyball tournament), we managed to visit Cocoa Beach twice and Kennedy Space Center.  We hope to take one more trip this summer to Maine, just to relax and unwind.

During summer we like to take bike rides, play volleyball and take long walks on a beach.

Denise, our Director of Business Operations, was so excited to have traveled to Europe for vacation this summer.  She and her husband and two sons’ were able to spend two weeks traveling throughout Europe.  They went to 7 countries and even went on a 7 day cruise. While it was not relaxing, it was a trip of a lifetime.  Great family memories were created. 13407299_10207761400847603_6727556662220115819_n

What’s On Your Summer Bucket List?

Have you been getting that special summertime feeling? Let us know what you’re going to be up to in the coming summer months in the comments section below or on our Facebook page! We’d love to get some fun summer activity ideas from our awesome patients.

We love summer, but we love our patients even more!