Summer job joys and struggles can occur during high school or college, whether the goal was to have spending money or to pay rent most of us know what struggles and joys a summer job can entail. With the last few days of summer approaching, we are feeling nostalgic and have collected summer job stories from members of our team!
Worst Summer Job Ever
Sometimes we find ourselves in summer jobs where the only good thing about them is that they only lasted a summer. Do any of our team’s stories sound familiar?
Denise- When I think of summer jobs, I am brought right back to the summer’s when I was 14 and 15. I worked at a retirement home in Southern California, my home. It was a super expensive, luxury retirement housing. My best friends, Jackie, Jill and Teresa and I all worked there. It was like a rite of passage in our home town to have worked at least one summer at this facility. We were servers in the dining hall for the residents. While I have some really fond memories I also have one that is not too fantastic. We had an employee lounge that was attached to the commercial kitchen. There was a rule that when we were going into the break room we had to turn on the lights. Those few minutes prior to break would allow the cockroaches, yes cockroaches, to scamper out of sight. I was young and dumb and our manager would tell us that it was common in food establishments to have roaches. How disgusting is that!
Myrna- My neighbor needed someone to clean her apartment, she was a pack rat so it was a tall order for an 11 year old kid. Needless to say she didn’t have me back, thankfully my career path into the cleaning business went into another direction and now I’m a hygienist at All About You Dental Care,
Check out this video from Jimmy Fallon to hear about some more bad summer jobs!
The Good Times
Just as there are bad summer jobs, there are also good ones. Maybe nothing particularly dramatic happened, but they still hold a fond place in our memories.
Aggie-As a child growing up in a city, I loved spending time at my grandparent’s farm. I would spend most of my summers there as well as a winter breaks and holidays. Our main job on a farm was to feed chicken, bunnies and bring hey to the barn for horses and cows. We also had to remember to feed cats and dogs and we girls were responsible of making sure the farmhouse was always clean. We also had to help grandma with preparing dinner which involved going into the garden and gathering all the needed veggies and fruits. I still have wonderful memories of those farm days with my grandparents and cousins.
Wacky Hijinx
Whether the summer job itself is good or bad, it’s the funny stories and the crazy moments that stand out the most.
Brynn- My favorite summer job was when I babysat my neighbor’s two boys. They were 6 and 10 and your typical boys. We did a lot of outdoor stuff and swam daily. One funny story is when we were swimming; the youngest one disappeared by the house. When I went looking for him he was going potty in the garage!! When I told his mom she laughed and told me she would have the boys go outside instead of drying off to run in the house to use the bathroom. Now that I have a boy, I am finding my son doing this same thing if we are playing outside 🙂
Now, It’s YOUR Turn!
What was YOUR most memorable summer job? Share your own experiences in the comments section below or send us a message on our Facebook page! Thanks for being a part of our practice’s story!