A NEW YEAR IS A NEW BEGINNING, which is why so many of us make New Year’s resolutions. If there’s something we want to change or to accomplish, a fresh year seems like the perfect time to start. So here at the beginning of 2018, our practice is taking stock of last year and looking forward to this one!

The Successes Of 2017


Monique had a great success in 2017…she purchased her first home! What a huge accomplishment. Our office could not be more proud of her.

Brynn and Monica both share the same exciting success for 2017 they are both expecting little boys! We are so happy for them both.  Monica is due next month and Brynn is due in May. Our dental family is growing by leaps and bounds in 2018.

Dr. Lavrisa became one of only 2100 dentist in the world to be a Pinhole Technique Certified dentist.  A revolutionary procedure for correcting gingival recession without the need for painful grafting. In fact, with the Pinhole Procedure there is no grafting,  no scalpel, no sutures and virtually no pain.

Peers of Dr. Stephen Lavrisa nominated him as one of Chicagoland’s 2018 TopDentist for Chicago Magazine.  Geneva, IL should be proud to call Dr. Lavrisa their own.

Geneva, IL top Dentist



Our Goals For 2018

Our office goal for the beginning of 2018 is to continue to provide the best dental care possible. We also are hoping for beautiful healthy baby boys for both Brynn and Monica.

Doctor Stephen Lavrisa is enriching his dental mind by continuing to receive the latest education in the field of dentistry.


Don’t forget that we can all make positive changes in our lives any time of the year!


What About Your Resolutions?

We’ve shared our resolutions, but we’d love to hear what yours are! Studies have shown 80% of resolutions fail by February, so let’s all help each other stick to our goals this year!

We wish all our patients a wonderful year!