DID YOU KNOW THAT TOOTH DECAY IS THE #1 CHRONIC DISEASE IN CHILDREN. According to estimates 40% of children have some form of tooth decay even before they reach kindergarten. Pretty scary, right? But SO much of the problem is preventable through routine teeth cleaning appointments which include a dental exam.
Here at All About You Dental Care in Geneva, IL we are adamant that a child receive their first dental exam by at least their third birthday. You may ask, what is included in a first dental exam visit and how will All About You Dental Care help my child to feel comfortable? Every first dental exam visit starts with a warm welcome and introduction between your child, yourself and the treating dental hygienist. We want your child and you to feel comfortable. This is a life long commitment towards good oral hygiene that is being established at this very first visit. After the introductions have commenced, the next step of the appointment is to take dental exam x-rays. X-rays are necessary to diagnosis dental decay that is not yet visible to the human eye. All About You Dental Care uses digital x-rays to greatly reduce the exposure to radiation. Once the x-rays are complete the dental hygienist will proceed with the dental teeth cleaning also known as a dental prophylaxis. Once the prophylaxis is complete, Dr. Lavrisa will be called to the dental operatory. Dr. Lavrisa will be introduced to yourself and your child. Dr. Lavrisa will perform an oral exam and a review of the dental x-rays, explain his findings , diagnose any necessary treatment and then answer any questions you or your child may have. Once all questions have been answered, our dental hygienist will place a fluoride varnish on your child’s teeth to help prevent future tooth decay. After the completion of all clinical aspects of the appointment, your child gets to pick a fun prize from our treasure chest. Most children are so excited for that prize that in fact they look forward to their next appointment in 6 months.
Add Dental Checkups To Your Back-To-School Checklist
Don’t wait until there’s a problem—even if your child isn’t complaining about discomfort. Tooth pain doesn’t usually exist until decay reaches the tooth’s pulp. At that point, it’s probably advanced and may require more extensive treatment. Good preventive treatment happens BEFORE there’s pain.
Help Set Your Child’s Great Oral Health Habits Now!
When you take an active role in your child’s oral health, you do a lot more than care for his or her teeth. You help your child develop habits that will positively shape overall health for life.
To schedule your child’s back-to-school examination, call now to request an appointment.
Have a great school year!
Image by Flickr user woodleywonderworks used under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 license. Image cropped and modified from original.