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Geneva IL Dental Care – All About You Dental Care – 630-262-9696

Geneva IL Dental Care

Geneva IL Dental Care

From the first time you arrive at our full-service dental practice for an initial appointment, you’ll receive excellent care and courtesy by our team of knowledgeable dental care professionals. Whether the reason for your visit is a routine cleaning to help preserve your oral health or to receive dental implants to restore your youthful smile, we’re a family dental practice that provides the finest care with every appointment.

If you’ll be joining us for your first appointment for a cleaning, here’s a general idea of what you can expect:

Your Geneva IL Dental Care experience with us begins with a complete dental examination that serves as the basis for your dental treatment plan moving forward. Our team will ask you for any relevant information about your oral health history and previous dental work. It’s also important to inform us if there are other details we should know about your general medical background. For instance, if you have a heart condition or are taking any prescription medications that could be an issue to consider for treatment in the future.

If you are receiving a cleaning, it will typically be performed by the dentist and one of our dental hygienists. Using a specialty instrument known as a scaler, your dentist will scrape away and remove the tartar that accumulates on your teeth. Following that, your teeth receive a polishing with a rubber rotating cup or a brush to eliminate remaining plaque and discoloration.

Book an appointment for a cleaning today at 630-262-9696.

During the cleaning, your Geneva IL Dental Care professional may also apply a probe instrument to examine the “pockets” that form between your teeth and gums, as well as an explorer instrument used to gently apply pressure on the teeth to check for tooth decay. Another instrument routinely used is a mouth mirror, which allows a better view of the teeth from the back and sides.